Monday, September 20

Question 9:True grit

X is an American mountaineer.In 2003, while he was on a canyoneering trip in Blue John Canyon (near Moab, Utah), a boulder became dislodged, crushing his right forearm and pinning it against the canyon wall. X had not told anyone of his hiking plans and knew no one would be searching for him. Assuming that he would die, he spent five days slowly sipping his small amount of remaining water while trying to extricate his arm. His efforts were futile, however, and he could not dislodge his arm even slightly. He eventually ran out of water and began to drink his own urine, carved his name, date of birth and presumed date of death into the sandstone canyon wall, and videotaped his last goodbyes to his family.After five days of trying to lift and break the boulder, he was dehydrated and delirious and prepared to amputate his trapped arm in order to escape. He forcibly levered his forearm against a chockstone until both the radius and ulna bones broke. Using the dull blade on his multiuse tool, he then cut the soft tissue around the break.He used the tool's pliers to tear at the tougher tendons.After freeing himself, he was still eight miles from his stick shift truck, and he had no cellular phone. He had to rappel down a 65-foot (20 m) sheer wall, then hike out of the canyon in the hot midday sun. While hiking out, he encountered a family of three on vacation from the Netherlands who gave him water and two Oreo cookies. They then alerted the authorities. Just as the search helicopter was turning around to fuel up, they had spotted X and the family. He was ultimately rescued by a helicopter search team. His arm was retrieved by park authorities and removed from under the boulder. It was cremated and given to him.He still climbs mountains prolifically, including a 2008 expedition to climb Ojos del Salado and Monte Pissis in Argentina. In 2005, he became the first person to climb all of Colorado's mountains over 14,000 feet in elevation solo in winter, a project he started in 1998 and resumed after his accident in Blue John Canyon.In 2008, he solo-climbed Denali and skied from the 20,320' summit.In 2009, he led an expedition with his friends on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon, and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro in Africa.X still intends to climb Mount Everest some day.
Identify X and connect

Answer:Aron ralston, portrayed by James franco in the upcoming movie 127 hours,directed by Danny boyle.

1 comment:

R said...

Well this X is Aron Ralston, the famous mountaineer. James Franco (in pic) portrays him in Danny Boyle's latest film 127 hours which is based on the given accident.